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Recovery, Resiliency and Person-First Language (online)

  • Mon, March 11, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Virtual (Zoom)
  • 15


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In this training we will explore the importance of using person-first language and the need for having systems and communities that support recovery from behavioral health conditions. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to define recovery, resiliency, and person-first language, as well as recognize the importance of being a recovery champion in their communities. Through the demonstration of person-centered language and class discussion, each participant will leave with the knowledge of how to use, and more importantly, verbalize the purpose and importance of utilizing person centered language and the inherent benefits to not only the recovery community, but our behavioral health system as a whole. We will also cover ways to promote recovery, resiliency, and person-first language in the communities that the participants serve to better facilitate a recovery-oriented system of care within provider organizations and beyond.

Who: Pennsylvania Peer Support Coalition

What: Recovery, Resiliency and Person-First Language

When: Monday, March 11, 20234 9:00am – 12:15pm

Where: Virtual (Zoom)

Contact: info@papsc.org

Cost: $30 members; $60 non-members

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